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Being at ease with unruly emotions


In Buddhism the philosophical view that describes the nature of reality and the way that things
exist is not separated from Buddhist psychology, because Buddhist thought always presents the subject and the object together.


We cannot just analyse the objective world; we always try to include the subjective side - as in how we are experiencing the object under discussion. Which brings us to the case in point. How should one view an unhealthy mental event? How does one deal with it? Buddhism would suggest that when we can accommodate our own neuroses and emotional instabilities, then we can accommodate parts of ourselves, without having to reject them. Rejecting one's desire, jealousy, aggression would be rejecting part of ourselves. If we can't accept these tendencies as being part of ourselves and have some kind of warmth towards them then transmutation would not be possible.


By Ani Jangchub Lhamo 

Auckland Buddhist Summer School 2025

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