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Compassion and bodhiccita


A set of 7  audio recorded sessions on the subject of Arousing Bodhicitta By Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX


Wisdom and compassion must be in balance. It is not helpful simply to be guided by wisdom or by compassion, they must be brought together. And in Mahayana literature it is said that it is like a bird needing two wings to fly. You need wisdom and you need compassion to sail through, to basically stay afloat or fly through in life, you need wisdom and compassion.
In other words, mentally you have to be insightful and also you need to have some kind of richness in terms of your emotional life.
In Buddhism the chitta aspect, the compassion aspect does not simply mean feeling pity for others or this, that and other things. It is not as simplistic as that. It actually covers all aspects of positive emotions. 

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