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Longchenpa’s Three Cycles Of Natural Freedom: Oral Translation And Commentary


by Traleg Kyabgon
Editor: Deidre Collings
Paperback ISBN 978-0-6456653-2-1
eBook ISBN 978-0-6456653-3-8



Longchenpa’s Three Cycles of Natural Freedom: Oral translation and commentary is a seminal Dzogchen text that is divided into three cycles: Mind, Ultimate Reality and Equality. The ninth Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche (1959–2012) of the Kagyu Nyingma tradition, one of the great meditation master and scholars to come out of the Tibetan diaspora, has provided a detailed oral commentary and spontaneous translation of Longchenpa’s text to help reveal the essential meaning of these profound teachings. A glimpse at each cycle – in the Mind Cycle, Longchenpa is in part concerned with our ability to comprehend and experience the freedom within the authentic state; in the Ultimate Reality Cycle, all dualistic notions are challenged as the nature of self and phenomena are revealed as the same; in the Equality Cycle, our aboriginal state is described as that which transcends conditioned existence. Within each cycle, Lonchenpa also gives concise guidelines on approaching one’s practice within a retreat situation. Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche’s renowned fluency with the English language, coupled with his own profound levels of realization, makes this translation an exciting opportunity for these transformative teachings to not only be known, but also experienced in these modern times.


Summary Of the Content

Each section or cycle of the book includes commentary by Traleg Kyabgon and concise guidelines on approaching one’s practice within a retreat situation.

Part One – Root Text, Semnyi Rangdrol, Natural Freedom of the Mind. Mind Cycle – Lamrim Nyingpo (lam-rim snying-po): The essential stages of the path.

Chapter One: Freedom through understanding the authentic state
Chapter Two: Realizing freedom on the path
Chapter Three: Spontaneous Fruition
Chapter Four: Retreat Instructions—Pith Instructions for the Paths and Stages

Part Two – Root Text, Chonyi Rangdrol, Natural Freedom of Ultimate Reality. Ultimate Reality Cycle – Rinchen Nyingpo (rin-chen snying-po): The precious heart essence.

Chapter Five: The natural freedom of our authentic state is realized through intrinsic awareness
Chapter Six: Retreat Instructions—The pointing out instructions of definitive meaning on self-liberation into ultimate reality
Chapter Seven: Birth, death, and the intermediate state

Part Three – Root text, Nyamnyi Rangdrol, Natural Freedom of Equality. Equality Cycle – Yidzhin Nyingpo (yid-bzhin snying-po): The wish-fulfilling heart essence.

Chapter Eight: Our natural state is spontaneously established
Chapter Nine: Resting In The Natural State
Chapter Ten: Spontaneous fruits of enlightenment
Chapter Eleven: Retreat Instructions: The pith instructions on natural freedom of equality
Chapter Twelve: Practice at the time of death

Part 4 – Supplement.The Precious Boat of Bodhicitta, the Creator of All Things.

Chapter Thirteen: Root Text—Interpretive and Definitive Teachings
Chapter Fourteen. Retreat Instructions—Preliminary Practice

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