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Compassionate activity is a natural expression of Generosity

Nyima Tashi Buddhist Center for Contemplation and well being receives no government funding and relies on a variety of in house activities along with Sangha generosity to generate support for the Center. As a registered Charity, Nyima Tashi is tax-exempt . If you would like to help the trust by providing financial support this would allow for a greater sense of security and stability for our future endeavours, allowing the Dharma to take route and thrive, creating programs tailored to the needs of an eclectic audience, while at the same time remaining steadfast to the traditions of our forefathers.


There are a variety of ways that ones Donations can be utilised such as Property maintenance, Annual Buddhist Summer School - Interfaith dialogue - Curriculum for teens and under 25"s  - Visiting Teachers - Retreats - Support for Thrangu Monastery - Prison outreach programs - Shedra studies and so much more.


Please choose one of the giving options that works best for you 


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"By thinking about loving thoughts, and having thoughts and feelings of compassion, the stirring of emotions based on love, compassion, joy, and equanimity gradually leads us to becoming that kind of a person. A person who is loving, compassionate, joyous, well grounded, not given to extreme mood swings, unstable—extremely generous and caring one moment and then being spiteful and vengeful the next. When we reflect on this, we can really fully appreciate the importance of this type of meditation."

- Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX

The concept of the four immeasurable states such as equanimity, generosity, compassion, and loving kindness embody basic human principles. We understand that by extending ourselves in the support and care of others also enriches our own sense of self-worth.

One's  generosity becomes the catalyst for a more expansive vision, the intention being  to alleviate the suffering of others, The ninth Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche lived a life in the service of others,  all contributions help to support, sustain and strengthen that vision.

A one off donation

water lilies floating on a calm pond


Monthly Contribution

Tibetan prayer flags against a clear blue sky.


 A Yearly Contribution

Prayer flags fluttering in the wind on a golden stupa.


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